Monday, January 15, 2007

The Twilight Zone

Boy, I sure didn't plan on having enough to write about *twice* in one day.... Oh well, it will probably wear off soon enough.

LOCATION: Duane Reed Pharmacy (aka the largest drugstore chain in the NY Metropolitan area)

Me: "Hi. Where are your sharps containers?"

Pharmacist: "Our what?"

Me: (while gesturing and making a box like shape with my hands) "Sharps Containers."

Pharmacist: (mumbling) "Oh. We don't sell those. Those are illegal."

Me: *pause* *blink* "Excuse me?"

Pharmacist: "Illegal."

******Cue Twilight Zone music****

Um.... Right.

NOTE: It turned out that the teeny tiny drugstore 1/2 a block from my apartment had at least 5 (apparently illegal) sharps containers in stock for a mere $3. Quick! Someone! Call the cops!


Major Bedhead said...

Hi Cecily. I saw your comment over at Diabetes Mine and clicked on your blog. Welcome to the OC. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I have a 12 year-old daughter with type 1. She's had it for 9-1/2 years and uses a pump now.

When she was on injections, we used to just use a laundry detergent jug for sharps and tape it shut with duct tape when it was full. I've also used a coffee can and a milk carton. As long as you tape it closed, it can go right in the trash. I know the sharps containers aren't expensive, but $3 is $3, right?

Anyway. Hi. I'm going to check out more of your blog and add you to my blogroll.

Cecily said...

I'm going to add a link to your blog if it's ok with you.
I started reading it and am really enjoying it so far!

I'll keep the sharps container alternatives in mind!


Major Bedhead said...

Sure, that's fine with me. I love getting the blog exposure. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.